Haramayn tours try to connected peoples with the blessing of Allah through 5-star hajj package 2019:

Hajj is one of the compulsory and last pillars of Islam; thereby it is mandatory for all adult Muslims to perform it at least once in their whole life. If the Muslims are financially and physically able to do so. Hajj performs in last month according to the Islamic calendar. Haramayn Tours offering you to book 5-star Hajj packages 2019. It is the holy pilgrimage performed by adult Muslims. kaaba is the first house that is established for the Muslims for the worship, blessed and guidance for the world. 

We try to give you a completely facilitated journey with a very sensible amount. If you are planning for the holy pilgrimage Hajj and finding the best Hajj Company, then you must choose the company that is providing you all the facilities.  Hajj comes only one time in a year and every adult Muslim want to perform Hajj in a year. If you are ready then don’t miss a chance this year due to expensive issues.  We have the best opportunity for you. We are offering you reliable and affordable 5-star Hajj packages.  We know Hajj is one of the most important acts in our life. Hajj is the expression of the unity of the Muslim people and their submission to ALLAH. This is the required act. Every Muslim wish to see at least one time the holy Kaaba that is the house of Allah Almighty. Haramayn Tours arranging 5 star Hajj package 2019 with your appropriate amount.

Wait for getting the chance of Hajj by the Muslims:

Muslims believes that we can’t offer the Hajj however Allah Almighty gives us a chance. Allah gives the chance only a few peoples for offering the Hajj. This is the award for Muslims by the Allah Almighty to perform Hajj and get a chance to start their life according to Islam. Muslims get a chance to pray for the blessing of Allah and forgiveness from Allah Almighty. This is real happiness for every Muslim. Muslims from all over the world are gathering in Makkah for the annual Hajj pilgrimage to take part in the rituals. Muslims Pray five times prayers in the Holy Mosque.  Pilgrims wear special dresses with two pieces of white dress called Ihram. Women wear white dress and scarf on their head, with only face and hands exposed. One ritual is known as Sa’I. That is mean walking seven times between two hills Safa and Marwah. Pilgrims must avoid the quarrel with each other, do not use any type of perfumes. Pilgrims in the state of Ihram do not cut their hair or nails.

Pilgrim responsibilities:

Firstly complete your paperwork. Take care of all your documents. If you lose your documents it creates a lot of problems in your journey. Health is a very important thing in your Holy Tour. Take care of your health properly. Do not eat unclean food. Drink the normal cool water. Take all your medicines firstly in your bag.


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